TangoIntensivo™ Session Registration


    • are longing to improve your tango in a permanent & powerful way inside the rich tango mecca of Buenos Aires…
    • are tired of not being able to dance with “the good dancers”…
    • want to focus your tango training with one world-class instructor and her carefully trained assistants for an intensive 20-hour period of instruction in a single week (or two weeks!)…
    • want a training environment that will alternately thrill and challenge you to reach your next level…


We are looking for a special group of dancers who want to pursue tango mastery in a new and different way. Join us for five days of intensive study in Buenos Aires – to maximize the value of your trip, do what most of your fellow students do – sign up for TWO programs being offered this coming May and June 2025! This gives you the formidable spectacular gift of enjoying a total of 10 days of tango training bliss (one weekend of rest in between sessions)!  Work intensively on your tango with a gender-balanced group of carefully trained Assistants under the guidance and direction of world-class tango teacher LUCIANA VALLE, one of the most talented, insightful and energetic tango teachers Buenos Aires has produced.

We first started working with Luciana (a.k.a. “Hurricane Lucy”) in 1998.  Ever since, she has been a touchstone for our study of the tango experience. Her warm enthusiasm, penetrating insight, and profound skill in imparting tango structure, mechanics and dynamics, from both a leader and a follower perspective, has brought her well-deserved intercontinental fame in the world of tango.

In 2024 so far, we’ve proudly celebrated *67* week-long TangoIntensivo™ programs successfully delivered since 2005,  working for tango aficionados just like you, training dancers hailing from all corners of the globe. We want to extend our warmest thanks and appreciation to all our remarkable students (many of whom return year after amazing year) as well as our spectacular staff (likewise returning to work for us year after fabulous year!) for the tango pleasures and memories we made and shared over all those years! 

We are SO excited about our future because there’s SO much more to come and we see YOU taking part!!! Are you ready to discover the TangoIntensivo™ difference? 


Our program guarantees YOU WILL DANCE EXCLUSIVELY WITH MEMBERS OF OUR TRAINED STAFF, the acclaimed TangoIntensivo™ Assistants, for the entire 20-hour duration of each program.

This makes our program VERY DIFFERENT from any tango training experience you are likely to have had. People don’t quite digest the impact of this, according to our feedback, so we’ll repeat it just to make this point absolutely clear: YOUR PARTNERS ARE THE STAFF – NOT YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS! This provides you with the opportunity to focus on YOUR learning process rather than navigating through the difficulties that can often arise when your usual partner/s or a fellow student is challenged by the material along with you. Our Assistants are selected from among the many talented dancers working with Luciana in Buenos Aires through her acclaimed “El Motivo” practica and school. All our Assistants are active social dancers in the Buenos Aires tango scene and many have professional tango careers of their own.


From February 2005 through June 2024, we’ve completed 67 sessions and our list of thousands of satisfied students continues to grow. We’re very flattered that, despite multiple other tango travel choices and trainings, we enjoy an incredible amount of repeat business and sold-out programs.

Student comments from previous TangoIntensivo™ Sessions

It was a breakthrough week for me. It allowed me to develop a very deep understanding of tango and has given me a solid base from which to catapult my dancing to the next level. You guys put together a great program with Luciana. I plan on returning…I took out a Chicho video last night and all of a sudden…I could see everything he was doing.”

I’ve taken intensive tango workshops all over the world from all the best…this was the absolute best workshop experience I’ve ever had!”

“These sessions are an incredible experience of deep systematic structural exploration in tango, combined with the opportunity to work closely in partnership with an absolutely fantastic group of followers…rotating among them, experiencing their patience and welcoming smiles, really made the difficult parts much easier.”

…what an AWESOME TangoIntensivo™ session…I feel privileged to be a part of this historical occasion…don’t ask me why it feels that way, but what the 3 of you put together was just incredible. Especially wonderful was the opportunity to work with Argentine dancers [as followers], the meticulous care and timing with which all the classes were designed and the quality of the material offered.”

“The program once again exceeded my expectations and again took me to a different level in my dance. There is nothing like this program and I continuously tell everyone I can that this is the program to take……there cannot be too much to say about the level of work that goes into developing this program. My hat goes off to Luciana, Brian & Deb…I look forward to my continuing attendance…”

I really loved the program…Luciana’s knowledge of the information is incredible…she did a superb job. Brian & Deb were unbelievable. I know you did so much behind the scenes…with such style and class it went unnoticed in a good way.”

“Knowing as I came in each day that I was going to push my limits with such a beautiful group of followers to help me get there – so many treasured memories of so many wonderful dances.”

“…the challenge and joy of dancing with some very high level leads and feeling their musicality and the unexpected little plays they made during the dance, the high level of connection that they brought to the dance, the chance to really work more deeply with some of these ideas and techniques….also of course the clarity and specificity of Luciana’s teaching and the way she dissects the structure of the dance. Luciana is always a stand out.”

“…my embrace is more secure, masculine and dynamic.”

“Dancing with the guys in class, the musicality…is just so incredible feeling what this dance can be…working intensively with Luciana, getting the clarity and depth of understanding and passion that she brings to it.”

“The best way I can sum up this week? Well, I got cramps in my smile muscles!”

Other than of course Luciana and dancing with the guys, I would say (the best part of this experience for me was) feeling my body waking up again….it has been a while since I have felt that total satisfaction of dancing. I want more!”


Want to know more??? Before registering, please read our TangoIntensivo™ Session Agreement and Waiver

In addition, visit our FAQ and subscribe to our priority TangoIntensivo™ email list to receive current news and updates.

Session #70: Monday May 26 – Friday May 30, 2025

Session #71: Monday June 2 – Friday June 6, 2025

Price: US$895 per Session ($927 w/PayPal fee)

            – OR –  

            EUR€807 per Session(€856 w/PayPal fee) (for our European students)

Advance Discount Registration Price (until March 1, 2025)

Payment options:

OPTION #1:  You can use the PayPal buttons below to pay for each Session.


TangoIntensivo™ Session #70

Monday May 26- Friday May 30, 2025
Price: US$895 ($927 w/PayPal fee) 


             EUR€807 ( €856 w/PayPal fee)

Advance Discount Registration Price (until March 1, 2025) 



TangoIntensivo™ Session #71

Monday June 2 – Friday June 6, 2025
Price US$895 ($927 w/PayPal fee)


             EUR€807 ( €856 w/PayPal fee)

Advance Discount Registration Price (until March 1, 2025)  



  OR —

OPTION #2:  Mail a check made out to “DOTH LLC” for the correct tuition amount. For 1 week at the Advance Discount Registration price (until March 1, 2025), it’s US$895 per Session.

Include a note with your email, the Session/s you are covering with the enclosed check and what role you’re registering to train, Leader or Follower. To ensure safe delivery of your check, please fold it inside a card or thick envelope and use the below snail mailing address:

   Brian Dunn & Deb Sclar

   2890 Shadow Creek Drive #304

   Boulder, CO 80303, USA

All payments received are confirmed via email and include an e-registration process. Please visit our TangoIntensivo™ FAQ for detailed payment options and instructions.

Refund Policy:

One half of the Registration Fee will be refunded if a refund request is received by four weeks before the start of class. No refund requests will be accepted after this deadline. However, if you find your own replacement, or if we are able to fill your spot ourselves from a waiting list, refund requests LESS $20 processing/admin fee will be honored at any time AFTER payment from your replacement has been confirmed. In ALL refund cases, PayPal/Bank Transfer fees are not refundable after your initial payment has cleared.



Because the costs inherent in Buenos Aires airline travel, securing accommodations and covering tuition for our programs can add up, WE STRONGLY SUGGEST purchasing appropriate “traveler’s vacation trip insurance” in the event of any unforeseen circumstances (physical/emotional injuries or personal or professional obligations) that may unexpectedly prevent you from participating in part or in full.

Programs typically sell out before the advance registration deadline. However, we reserve the right to cancel or restructure the programs up until one week following the advance registration deadline (approximately two months before the start of any given session). In the unlikely event of cancellation of any TangoIntensivo™ sessions, registration fees will be refunded in full.


Your tuition pays for your classes and your partners – students arrange your own airfare, meals and accommodations – but over the years we’ve developed a treasure trove of invaluable information we share with registered students to solve multiple travel needs! This fabulous Treasure Trove will be supplied in one of your e-registration messages to further assist you with travel plans. 



© 2023 Dance of the Heart LLC